Sunday, September 16, 2007

Sunday's Thoughts

So for the first time in quite I while I took most of a day off. More than that, there was nothing I had to do and nowhere I had to be. I had the whole day stretched out before me. It was a thing of beauty, a thing to be cherished.

I watched the rain come in. The first real rains of the fall have hit the coast today. There have been showers over the last month or so, and there will be dry days ahead. But today was the first honest rain of the changing season.

I also watched Accepted. I know it is by no means a great piece of American cinema. That said, it really sucked me in. A much better movie then I expected. And Maria Thayer may well be the most attractive person ever born in Boring Oregon. How a town like that turned out a woman like that is completely beyond me.

I also just watched the then of The Shadow. Well, I wasn't really watching, the TV was just on that channel while I worked on the Sunday crossword. At some point I started to think Penelope Ann Miller was quite fetching as well. Then I started to wonder if it was just because Sam has been out of town for almost a week now.

Just one last thing before I go, well two things really. Two movies to be specific. As opposed to the two mentioned above, these two should be actively sought out and watched if you haven't seen them yet.

1) Wordplay - A must if you enjoy crosswords and/or wordplay. A very well filmed documentary about crosswords and the people that do them and make them (including John Stewart).

2) The Aristocrats - Warning: this movie is quite raw. Foul in fact. But hysterical. If you can handle dirty language and subject matter, its well worth it.

All right, I am out folks. Sorry no comments on the Ducks this week, but there isn't a whole lot to say.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

I wasn't that impressed with The Aristocrats. I think I had it way too built up - like it was going to be the funniest, filthiest thing ever, and if I didn't laugh my ass off, then I was clearly in a coma. No movie can live up to that kind of hype, especially one about a joke that isn't funny so much as it is dirty. And really, the main source of humor for me was the fact that it wasn't that dirty, at least not in these, our modern times. The dirtier they tried to make it, the more obvious it became that nothing is all that shocking any more. Scatology? Eh - heard it. Orgies? Old hat! Incest? Icky, but not that shocking. I cannot think of something that would have made it shocking, now that I try. Huh. I guess they would have somehow incorporate a picture of that distended butt hole from the internets. That's the last time I remember being truly shocking, appalled and just generally grossed out.